Green World Getting Big Bang Success in Ghana
2008-03-06 20:00:00

The development of Green World Ghana is gaining in momentum. Green World set foot on the land of Ghana only in September of 2007 and started official operation towards the end of October. However, with such a short period of time, Green World has become a household name throughout Ghana with the leadership of Mr. Michael S. Chen, Director and General Manager of Green World Western & Northern Division.

At present, Green World has set up dozens of distribution centers in Ghana, at the same time, it has spread the business to the surrounding countries including Cote D'ivoire, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso and Nigeria etc. Green World Ghana has tightly clinched the leadership of herbal company in the industry of Direct Sales in Ghana and has a marketing team of over 20,000 distributors.

Green World Ghana attributes its success to the operational professionalism, customer intimacy, the products leadership and the concerted efforts of all Green World staff and marketing team of distributors. All the distributors are very much impressed with the management and the Green World products of high quality. Green World products are hailed by the locals as "Magic Life-saving Herbs" or "Elixirs from the East".

Green World is also playing a very important and active role as a responsible corporate citizen by creating job and business opportunities and physical improvement for all Ghanaian people, which wins great recognition from the government of all levels. Wherever Green World goes, it is not only pursuing the economic value added (EVA), but also the social value added (SVA) which, to some degree, is more crucial. Minister of Ghanaian Food and Drug Board paid a special visit to the Green World manufacturing headquarters in last November and he was very happy with the quality control of Green World products which was proudly recommended by His Excellency to all the consumers of Ghana. Minister of Home Affairs of Ghana herself also gave great support by giving assistance in regard to the working permit to all the staff from overseas. Ghanaian Investment Promotion Center also gave support and valuable suggestions on the future sustainable development of Green World Ghana. 


According to Mr. Chen, "Green World will put more pins on the development of the surrounding countries, and we will set up the office in Cote D'ivoire in the next three months and add more offices in Nigeria, which is one of the biggest market of Africa and also the strategic focus of Green World Group. Following the free China trip won over by a team of 15 distributors last November and a free trip to South Africa by a team of ten distributors last December, we will award dozens of business cars to the top distributors in this May and more people will win the award of Free International Getaway."

Mr. Chen further adds, "We fully understand that the door of chance swings both ways. Green World is starting the year of 2008 by maintaining what we got right and owning up to what we got wrong. We will continue the commitment to excellence. We refuse to let mediocrity creep into our record of excellence and therefore we are taking a more introspective view of how we work and how we relate to each other, to our big team of distributors. Green World is determined to build itself into the best company in Ghana and in Africa. We will also put more attention in the future in regard to the spreading of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the health care culture of Chinese people so that everyone in the world including Ghanaian people can benefit from the common treasure of Chinese herbal medicine."

Dr. Li, President of Green World Group and Mr. Zhang, Chief Executive of Green World International respectively extended their congratulations to Green World Ghana on its remarkable success which was a big motivation for all Green World people!