• On July 22, Dr. Deming Li, President of Green World Group, led the top executives and outstanding distributors to visit the Edward V. Lipman Laboratory at the Rutgers P.E. Marucci Center ...
    24-07-26 07:07
  • On July 21, Green World excellent distributors New York Tour officially Started. Distributors from all over the world were full of expectations and stepped into this magical city to start...
    24-07-26 07:07
  • On the afternoon of July 20, 2024, Green World Group 30th Anniversary Global Leaders Summit was grandly held at USA headquarters. This conference, with simultaneous interpretation, not on...
    24-07-26 07:07
  • On July 20, 2024, Green World America Branch was grandly opened. More than 30 outstanding distributor representatives from Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, North America and over 10 e...
    24-07-24 03:07
  • USA, July 21st – Green World Group invited outstanding distributor representatives to visit the USA headquarters, enabling them to witness the Group’s illustrious history and experience i...
    24-07-23 03:07
  • USA, July 20th – At precisely 9:30 A.M. local time, Green World Group 30th Anniversary Celebration, attracting global attention, officially began in the solemn atmosphere. With the thunde...
    24-07-22 05:07
  • USA, July 19 - At 5 p.m. of the local time, the first board meeting of Green World Group was held at U.S. headquarters, which had landmark significance for the development of Green World....
    24-07-20 10:07
  • New York, July 15th, 5:30 AM - Mr. David L. Zhang, President of Green World Group African Region and Vice-President of Green World Group, arrived at Newark Liberty International Airport i...
    24-07-18 04:07
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