First Distributor of 1-Star Manager Coming to the Fore from Ghana
2008-05-20 20:00:00
With official operations of Green World in the Republic of Ghana for a mere 6 months, it is mind-blowing that they have already produced their 1st eight star distributor. Now Green World in Ghana is proudly to announce a new shinning 1 star manager coming to the forefront in Africa. He is none other than Mr. Saviour Ahodokpo (Green World International Distributor ID No.: 30001000).
In Being a 1 star manager makes me very happy, but the most important thing that makes me so proud is distributing the Green World Quality Products with my team. We have alleviated lots of people who have suffered from poverty and disease. After being asked by some distributors if he is quite proud by his success, the first winner of 1 star manager, Mr. Saviour Ahodokpo, told the people directly how he thinks.
Green World Africa shows her highest appreciation by his efforts and way of dedication: This is the real leader who always cares about others, that is why the team of Saviour Ahodokpo always grows so fast and people love them.
He also attributed his success to the great support and operational professionalism from the management leaded by Mr. Michael S. Chen, Director and General Manager of Green World Northern & Western Africa. Without the contributed support from the management and the wonderful quality products and competitive compensation plan, he would not have made this great success.
Green World Africa will spare no efforts to support any distributor who is dedicated and has strong determination to make them more successful and also Green World Africa will never stop innovating new quality products for the people of Africa in order to make them healthier. By her endeavored distributors like Mr. Saviour Ahodokpo, Green World Africa is soaring. Let bigger successes come our way and we will be ready for them!
Congratulation Saviour! We are looking forward to hearing good news again!