SA Distributors Touring in Beijing
2008-05-23 20:00:00
Distributor-friends from Green World South Africa arrived in Beijing to start the 5-day-tour there on May 15, 2008.
The weather of Beijing in May was warm and sunny. The trees made a pleasant shade all over the pretty city.
The distributors firstly visited the TCM R&D Center and Extract Base of World Group in Beijing, through which they highly praise the advanced scientific technology of the group.

During the following days, Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Badaling Section of the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs, Olympic Village, Summer Palace and Silk Street were the destinations.
The excellent scenery of modernization and antiquity in Beijing impressed the distributors very much. More dedication and concentration in Green World career had been stimulated through this Beijing tour.
Then the distributors were seen off by staff of World Group at the Capital Airport.