Green World Launched in South Africa
2007-06-09 20:00:00

It is June 9, 2007, the weather is lovely with sunshine softly shining on the ground, a little bit wind but quite gentle when breezing on the face. It is a special day for a newly launched company-Green World Africa, a company engaging itself in importing, exporting and distributing traditional Chinese herbal products and all kinds of supplement health foods. It is also a special day for all the committed and dedicated pioneering distributors and all the Green World staff.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, a long queue of distributors in full array of dresses have already been there waiting to sign in and collecting a free Green World gift pack while enjoying the welcoming coffee and tea. They are proud of being a Green World member and in their heart they cherish a dream of making the world green by marketing the quality products of Green World and at the same time, to fulfill their own dream of success.

We are proud to have the delegations from different countries, including Swaziland,Botswana,Lesotho, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, and places from different parts of South Africa.

The launch is highlighted by the speech delivered by Mr. David L. Zhang, the president of the Green World Africa, who draws a blue print of the green world business in Africa and the whole world at large. He also conveys the idea to the distributors that Green World fully understands that companies gain leadership positions by delivering superior value to their customers through these strategies: operational excellence, customer intimacy, product leadership. And Green World would assure all the distributors of the professionalism, good customer relation management system and best quality products they need in the growth with Green World.

All the distributors are greatly impressed by the large dose determination made by Mr. Zhang who will mobilize all the resources and capabilities of the Green World Group to support the development of the business in Africa and the hall is inundated with applauses.

Both Mr. Peter Boroko, a leader of the network and Mr. Jean Prince Pandi from DRC, deliver wonderful speeches. They share their experiences and also express their strong determination to grow with the company. Their speeches are so contagious and motivating that all the attendance are more confident on their success by choosing Green World as a key component in making their personal health and financial dreams a reality.

Another highlight is the launch of the new products. Mr. Zhang, together with Mr. Peter Boroko, Mr. Eric Phofu and Mr. Jean Prince Pandi ascend to the stage and unveil the corporate flags covering the excellent products.The distributors cheer and applause the debut of the Green World products which are convinced to be the biggest benefit and boon for the holistic health of African people.

Ms. Olga Monteiro from Swaziland gives a wonderful interpretation of the Green World mission, vision and the health care concepts, and she is hailed as one of the stars at the hall.

During the meeting, the raffle draw is also one of the most exciting events, lucky distributors are given beautiful toasters, DVD players, even a free membership of Green World Africa.

The awarding to those 4 star and 5 star distributors is the climax of the whole ceremony. They are awarded with DVD players and TV sets. And the winners are very motivated and they are determined to work harder for more success.

Besides, Ms. Johanna C.E. Pienaar is awarded as the best producer during the ceremony with a bronze distribution center plate.

After the ceremony, many flock to the new office and join the business or buy the products.

It is a successful function and all the participants are happy and the launch of the Green World business in Africa is a good start of the splendid cause which is to bring health and wealth to all the African people.