Grand Awarding Ceremony Held in Green World Cameroon
2008-02-22 20:00:00

It was a shining weather and Cameroon enjoyed a bright sky of February. In Douala, a beautiful coastal city, all the Green World people ushered in the Grand Awarding Ceremony, an epoch-making time for the development of Green World in Cameroon.

Since its formal operation half a year ago, Green World Cameroon has spread its business to all parts of Cameroon and the neighboring countries, we are proud to have created numerous top distributors, outstanding network leaders and excellent lecturers.

As the first company of the direct-selling industry in Cameroon, Green World took the lead in giving out the award of Business Car and Free International Getaway, and it attracted over 500 hundred people from different parts of Cameroon and neighboring countries to attend the ceremony which took place in the National Conference Center in the afternoon of February 17, 2008.

After the National Anthems of China, USA and Cameroon, Mr. David L. Zhang, Group Vice President delivered a keynote speech, in which he summarized the magnificent achievements Green World had attained within such a short period of time. He also elaborated the blue-print of the Green World business in Africa and worldwide. On behalf of Dr. Li, President of Green World Group, Mr. Zhang, further extended the congratulations to the award winners and the Green World Cameroon on their achievements. Mr. Zhang also expressed his strong determination in building Green World into the best Company in Cameroon and in Africa on the basis of Green World¡¯s professional operation, products leadership and customer intimacy.

The distributors were greatly motivated and they rose to express their respect to the Mr. Zhang and all the top network leaders by big rounds of applause.  

The ceremony was also highlighted by the excellent performances most of which were performed by the distributors. A drama directed and performed by the distributors who illustrated the strength and advantages of Green World products, compensation plan and operational professionalism won great recognition by the attendees.

Mr. Hu, General Manger of Green World Cameroon delivered a speech in which he elaborated the strategy of Green World Cameroon, the promotion plan and the action program in the near future. He also mentioned that Green World would continue to play a role of active corporate citizen and would be committed to the public affairs and charities by presenting Green World quality products to the needy people and would also make donations to help the children with their education.

At the ceremony, the representatives of the top leaders presented the gifts and awards to the Green World Cameroon employees who were selected by all the distributors voluntarily as the Service Superstar for their professionalism and good service rendered to the distributors. They also extended their gratitude to all the staff of Green World Cameroon headed by Mr. Hu for their unswerving pursuit of "Creating a green health for all on the basis of integrity", which they believe would be the guarantee for all the distributors to go places with Green World. 

At the ceremony, Green World portfolio bags and certificates were also presented to the Green World Cameroon certified excellent lecturers. The outstanding distributors who grew fastest were awarded with Fast-Growth Award of cell phones.

One of the highlights of the function came when the Master of Ceremony announced the name list of the winners of the Free International Getaway which would take place in May of this year. The winners were Mr. Maurice Myouyobo, Mr. Jean Paul Kuate, Mr. Justin Kenang, Mr. Claude Bosco Tenda Fongang, Mrs. Sarah Ngathou and Mrs. Tchamgoue Edwige Siew. Mr. Hu, General Manager of Green World Cameroon presented the winners with the certificates.

Finally, the heart-stirring moment came and the superstar, Mrs. Tchamgoue Edwige Siewe mounted to the stage and Mr. Zhang himself presented the car key as well the certificate of Business Car Award and bouquet of flowers to her. The conference hall was immediately inundated with thunders of applause, joyous cheers and all the distributors went up to extend congratulations to their network leader.

Against the joyous backdrop, Mrs. Siewe went up to her new car, and posed for a photo with Mr. David L. Zhang, the person in helms of the Green World International. All the distributors witnessed the grandeur of the function and shared the joy of success with the award winners.

The ceremony came to a successful conclusion and the distributors hesitated to depart from the hall and enjoyed the champagne of success and the warmth of the Green World big family. Let us look forward to bigger success from Green World Cameroon!