Green World International South Africa Branch Grandly Held 2022 Annual Meeting & 15th Anniversary Celebration
2022-12-22 10:24:46
On December10, 2022, Green World International South Africa held 2022 Annual Meeting and 15th anniversary celebration at the Gallagher Convention Centre in Johannesburg. More than 2,000 distributor representatives from more than 10 countries in the African region were invited to attend the event. Dr. Deming Li, President of Green World Group, attended this grand meeting with the theme of “FORGE AHEAD,ENTER NEW ERA”.




Gallagher Convention Centre's largest Hall 5 was crowded with attendees. At 11 o 'clock at noon, Dr. Deming Li, President of Green World Group, Mr. David L. Zhang, Vice President of Green World Group, together with the general managers of all branches and members of Green World Diamond Club, entered the venue slowly by limousine. All of a sudden, the venue was filled with applause and cheers. Along with the rhythmical music,  South African distributors showed the unique enthusiasm of the African continent to the world.

Ms. Jenna Li, General Manager of Nanjing Production Base of Green World Group, Mr. Glory Guo, General Manager of Green World South Africa Johannesburg Branch, Mr. Bruce Huang, General Manager of Green World South Africa Cape Town Branch, Mr. Shangwen Huang , General Manager of Green World South Africa Durban Branch, Mr. Zhijun Ji, General Manager of Green World Zimbabwe Branch, Mr. Xiaowei Liu, General Manager of Green World Zambia Branch, Ms. Dongyi Li , General Manager of Green World Mozambique Branch, and Mr. Xueyan Li, General Manager of Green World Sudan Branch, also participated in the grand event. 

The conference opened with the national songs of South Africa, China, and the United States. First of all, Mr. Glory Guo, General Manager of South Africa Johannesburg Branch, made a welcome speech to the guests. Mr. Bruce Huang, General Manager of Green World South Africa Cape Town Branch, gave his best wishes to the conference on behalf of Cape Town Branch and the newly developed Madagascar and Angola branches.


Ms. Jenna Li, General Manager of Nanjing Production Base of Green World Group, introduced the production plan of new products in the future and warmly invited everyone to visit the newly built Nanjing Global Operations Center.

Mr. David L. Zhang, Vice President of Green World Group and President of Green World African Region, made a speech, in which he summarized the development experience and great achievements made by the African region in the past 15 years to improve the health of the African people and build business platform for the vast number of African distributors. In particular, he expressed his sincere gratitude to Green World Africa for working together to overcome the difficulties during the past two years of COVID-19 and made great achievements. In his speech, President Zhang also introduced the strategic planning and work deployment of the second "fifteen years" in African region.


In the thunderous applause and cheers of the audience, Dr. Deming Li, President of Green World Group, addressed the conference. On behalf of all regions of Green World Group, she extended the warmest welcome and greetings to the attendees. Dr. Deming Li spoke highly of the outstanding contributions of the African region under President Zhang's leadership, and widely regarded the African region as a model of management, markets and services of the Green World Group. In her speech, Dr. Deming Li sincerely thanked the global partners for their loyalty to the company, their persistent attitude and their entrepreneurial spirit in the face of the local area turmoil and global epidemic. Dr. Deming Li raised everyone's spirits by proposing the plan to build Green World production base and to develop the market in the United States in the future. Finally, President Deming Li wished the African region a happy 15th birthday, and together with President Zhang and General Manager Glory Guo, she cut the cake for the 15th anniversary of South Africa, expressing her best wishes to the South African branches. The whole audience sang "Happy Birthday" to express their gratitude and blessing to Green World.

At the conference,  a total of 10 awards were presented to 205 outstanding distributors. There were 42 winners of "Excellent Specialty Store of Green World South Africa Branch", 30 winners of "Market Development Award of Green World South Africa Branch", and 90 winners of "Green World China Tour Award", 12 winners of "Green World South Africa Luxury Cape Town Tour Award” , 12 winners of "Green World Business Car Award", 11 winners of "Green World South Africa Branch Luxury International Tour Award" , 4 winners of “Green World Luxury Car Award”, 2 winners of "Green World Villa Award", 1 winner of "Green World Honorary Chairman Award" and 1 winner of “Green World Star of the Year 2022”.




The award-winning distributors respectively made speeches on the stage and shared their own experiences, encouraging all the distributors to move forward. Warm applause was lasting in the venue. The numerous deeds of Green World changing the destiny and benefiting the society in the past 15 years were condensed in these speeches, making everyone realize that Green World business has taken root and flourished in South Africa.






This conference also invited the famous South African lecturer ROBIN BANKS to encourage people to work harder in the future to achieve their dreams with the title of "Self-Awareness, Self-reflection and Self-action".

Green World South Africa 15th anniversary celebrations ended with the  singing, dancing and laughing. With passion and dreams, Green World Business partners will spread hope, success, health and wealth to every corner of the world. In the cause of promoting health, Green World provides platform to more forward-looking business partners, points out the direction for more friends who yearn for a healthy life, and makes more people realize their dreams. With the well-being and happiness of tens of millions of families, Green World will make efforts to achieve more glorious performance.   




After the conference, the company held a grand dinner party in the banquet center of Gallagher Convention Centre. Dr. Deming Li, President of Green World Group, Mr. David L. Zhang, Vice President of Green World Group, as well as the management team, gathered together with the award-winning distributors to celebrate the success and wish a good future.