Fan Qingsheng Applied Microbiology laboratory Founded by Green World (Lishui) Biotechnological Co., Ltd.and Nanjing Agricultural University was Inaugurated
2023-11-06 18:44:08

On October 25, 2023, Ms. Jenna Li, General Manager of Green World (Lishui) Biotechnological Co., Ltd., entrusted Dr.Deming Li,President of Green World Group,to attend the unveiling ceremony of Fan Qingsheng Applied Microbiology Laboratory cooperated by Green World (Lishui) Biotechnological Co., Ltd.with Nanjing Agricultural University held in Conference Room 613 of the Administration Building of Nanjing Agricultural University.This is a laboratory jointly built by the enterprise and the university, marking a new step in the research and development of Green World Group.

Dr.Deming Li, President of Green World Group, Mr.Zhao Hua,R&D Director of Green World Group, Mr.Shan Zhengfeng, Vice President and Standing Committee Member of the Party Committee of Nanjing Agricultural University, Ms.Yao Keyan, Director of the Alumni Association, Professor Zhao Mingwen, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Life Sciences, Professor Jiang Jiandong, Dean of the School of Life Sciences, two daughters of Professor Fan Qingsheng Ms.Fan Zhenmei, and Dr. Fan Hua, Professor and doctoral supervisor of Humboldt University of Berlin and Charlotte School of Medicine of Free University of Berlin, Germany, judge of the Doctoral Degree Committee and president of the German-Chinese Molecular Medicine and Molecular Pharmacy Society, attended the unveiling ceremony.


Dr.Deming Li, President of Green World Group, Mr. Shan, Vice President of Nanjing Agricultural University, and Ms. Fan Hua made addresses successively to congratulate the official establishment of Fan Qingsheng Applied Microbiology Laboratory. President Deming Li said that she would do her best to work together with the university to develop more high-quality and healthy products for the world.

After the unveiling ceremony, all the guests took a group photo and congratulated on the complete success of the laboratory unveiling ceremony.