Green World Zambia Branch Visiting Ambassador of Zimbabwe to Zambia
2023-12-15 17:37:04
On December 12, 2023, Mr.Peter Liu, General Manager of Zambia Branch, and Mr. Tendai Chinoperekwei and Ms. Mavis Chinoperekwei, senior distributors of the company, visited Hon. Mrs. Charity Charamba, Ambassador of Zimbabwe to Zambia, at the Embassy of Zimbabwe in Zambia.
General Manager Mr.Peter Liu introduced to the Ambassador the situation of Green World and the market development in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Africa, and presented the Ambassador with the products of the company. She was very interested in Green World products, and meanwhile she affirmed the achievements of Green World in Africa, expressed the gratitude to Green World for its efforts in improving the health of African people, promoting local economic development and solving employment problems. She also said that she would provide necessary assistance to the company's development in Zambia and Zimbabwe.