Green World Group 30th Anniversary Global Leaders Summit ——Create Prosperity with Global Vision and Innovative Spirit
2024-07-26 19:11:09
On the afternoon of July 20, 2024, Green World Group 30th Anniversary Global Leaders Summit was grandly held at USA headquarters. This conference, with simultaneous interpretation, not only showed the wisdom and global perspective from top executives of the Group, but also served as a platform for profound deliberation and planning for future strategies, manifesting the steadfast confidence and grand vision of Green World Group as a leader in the global health and nutrition industry.


Dr. Deming Li Pioneers the Path Forward
The summit commenced with an emotional and inspiring speech by Dr. Deming Li, President of Green World Group. She reviewed that how Green World adhere to the core value of “People-oriented and Honesty First” over the past thirty years, and how to maintain continuous innovation, and close cooperation with excellent universities, leading to the successful launch of a series of nutritional health products that have gained widespread recognition and trust from global consumers.
Innovation shapes the future, and cooperation drives development. Dr. Deming Li emphasized that the extensive distributor network and comprehensive compensation plans are crucial to Green World Group’s success. In the future, the Group will continue to optimize AI technology to provide personalized health management services, and actively engage in public welfare activities to demonstrate its dedication to corporate social responsibility, creating a bright future with global partners. Dr. Deming Li’s inspiring words illuminated the path forward, igniting boundless enthusiasm for the future among the attendees.

Strengthening R&D Collaboration and Expanding Market Layout

Subsequently, Ms. Jenna Li, General Manager of Green World (Lishui) Biotechnological Co., Ltd., delivered a speech, which further deepened the attendees’ understanding of the Group’s R&D capabilities. She highlighted the importance of partnerships with leading global universities, which will both bolster the product R&D and innovation capacity and enhance the Group’s competitive position in the global market.

Mr. David L. Zhang, President of Green World African Region, shared his insights on the Group’s future development from a market management perspective. He noted that Green World Group’s customer base has surpassed 2.5 million, reflecting the Group’s precise market insight and deep understanding of customer needs.

Moreover, Mr. David L. Zhang also introduced details about the future office building at the USA headquarters—a modern structure covering 8,000 square meters. This landmark building symbolizes the Group’s ambition and marks a new chapter in its global market presence.

He encouraged attendees to motivate themselves and set exemplary standards to achieve mutual growth between individuals and the Group.

HGW: A New Chapter in the Latin American Market, a Milestone for Global Layout

Mr. Peter Li, President of Green World Latin American Region, unveiled a ambitious new blueprint of HGW—Healthy Green World brand. He detailed the brand’s origins and legacy, emphasizing its market strategy and development strategies in Latin America, as well as its expansion into the South Asian market.
Mr. Peter Li highlighted HGW’s adherence to Green World’s five core business principles, particularly in legal operation, people-orientation, employee respect, commitment, and long-term interests. These core values underline the Group’s determination towards product quality and market expansion. Over the next five years, HGW aims to establish a presence in over 20 countries, positioning itself as a significant brand in Latin America, which not only deepens the Group’s global layout, but also reaffirms its commitment to promoting health and well-being for consumers worldwide.

Driving Innovation and Leading with Technology to Create Future Competitive Advantage

Innovation is a systematic work. Mr. Yanguo Chen, President of Green World Eurasian Region, congratulated the successful holding of Green World 30th anniversary celebration at  USA headquarters. He called for keeping pace with the times, utilizing big data technology to enhance customer service experiences, and highlighted the importance of product upgrade. Mr. Yanguo Chen noted that the rise of social media offers new opportunities for enterprise development. Green World Group should fully utilize this platform to promote interaction with consumers, enhance brand influence, and inject new vitality into the Group’s future development.
Dr. Carrie Benjamin, a renowned physician from Michigan, USA, highly praised Green World Group’s contributions to promoting global health and shared in-depth insights on current trends in the health industry and human wellness.
Her insights not only enriched the attendees’ understanding of the health field but also provided valuable guidance for Green World Group’s future product R&D and market strategies. 

Professional Training for Sharing Development Achievements and Promoting Growth 
Professor Jason Zhang, a senior expert in agricultural research, shared his deep friendship with Dr. Deming Li and his experience in providing agricultural training for distributors. He expressed his anticipation of face-to-face exchanges at the Blueberry Research Institute on July 23, where they will delve into cutting-edge topics in agriculture and contribute to the Group’s sustainable development. The professional training sessions not only enhanced distributors’ professional skills but also deepened their understanding of the Group’s culture, fostering a sense of shared development.

Prospects and Social Responsibility in the African Market 
Mr. Bruce Huang, General Manager of Green World South Africa Cape Town Branch, and Mr. Glory Guo, General manager of South Africa Johannesburg Branch in African Region, highlighted the vast potential of African market and the company’s confidence in the future. 
Mr. Bruce Huang announced the company’s active development of Francophone African market in Gambia and other countries, and emphasized the solid foundation being laid for expanding into the European Francophone market. Reviewing his 16-year career with the company, Mr. Glory Guo stressed the importance of the company’s support and training system for distributors. He particularly highlighted the promotion of e-commerce and apps in the South African market, the establishment of robust customer support systems, and the backing of honest distributors. Mr. Glory Guo noted the continuous expansion of mature training system in South Africa, and expressed confidence in both the South African and USA markets, affirming the company's commitment to investing resources to promote harmonious market development.

Commitment to Youth Strategy and Social Responsibility to Shape Future Market Leaders

Mr. Tendai, Ambassador of Green World Group, and Mr. Franz Torrejon, along with other distributor representatives, shared market insights and personal experiences from various perspectives. They emphasized the importance of youth customer strategy and advocated for the use of social media to promote market growth. They also proposed plans for promoting the African fertilizer market, demonstrating the Group’s commitment to social responsibility and innovative market expansion. Their words reflected high expectations for engaging in the younger generation market and a deep understanding of social responsibility, indicating a promising future in the youth market.
Mr. Tendai, Ambassador of Green World Group, delivered a speech.

Mr. Franz Torrejon, representative from Green World Latin American Region, delivered a speech.

Creating Glory and Looking Forward to the Future
The successful holding of Green World Group 30th Anniversary Global Leaders Summit not only facilitated high-level intellectual exchange, but also served as a platform for profound deliberation and planning for future strategies. Under Dr. Deming Li’s leadership, the Group’s top executives and global partners will work hand in hand, driven by innovation and led by technology, to write the next glorious chapter for Green World Group over the next thirty years. In the future, Green World Group will stay true to its mission and forge ahead, continuing to expand global layout and emerging markets, enhance product and service quality, and actively participate in public welfare activities, so as to make significant contributions to global consumers’ health and well-being and create an even more brilliant future.