Ceremonious Launch of Green World Cameroon
2007-03-08 20:00:00

After the splendid launch ceremony of Green World South Africa, on July 16th, 2007, another subsidiary company of World Group in the African region, Green World Cameroon launched at Duala, the beautiful seaside city in the southern hemisphere. As the most important economic center and import & export harbor in Cameroon, Duala is exceptionally rich in economic advantages and relative convenient information transmission. A flow of fresh vitality is injected into the vigorous land by the entry of World Group. In just two weeks since launched, large quantities of distributors who have aspirations of achieving health and wealth have joined us, which makes our business accomplishment hit new peak.

On the vast expanse of African land, the root of World Group's business has been taken there and ready to blossom everywhere. Cameroon is World's strategic center in the western African region. Here is the starting point, from which on, health products of Green World will share the business with more people. Green health will be sowed everywhere into every person's heart in western Africa.

The launch of Cameroon branch and World African team's rapid growth is facilitated by the correct leadership of President Deming Li. Besides, vice president David Zhang's painstaking effort and deployment in Africa takes a vital important role in the global strategic program of creating a direct selling enterprise of international renown. Meanwhile, the excellent quality of Green World products has been confirmed. Green World has become the symbol of health and companion of African's daily life.

World People sweat industriously on the tropical continent and bring source of vitality to the economic development there. At the same time, we always remember that the development of World is closely connected with the support by society. Thus, we undertake the responsibility as social people and pay close attention to the sufferance of local people. Welfare works such as donating remedy and daily use has been done by which our own steam has been contributed to the local health career.