Launch Ceremony of DRC Branch
2007-12-23 20:00:00

After the intensive preparation for a month, DRC Branch of World Group held her launch ceremony and brought a brand new visage to all the distributors on December 22, 2007.

At the moment of GREEN WORLD plaque was unveiled by Mr. David L. Zhang, president of Green World Africa, a standing ovation was given by the present hundreds of people. Constant photoflash seemed to freeze frame the stirring moment.

At the same time, eyes of the staff were moist. So many difficulties during the month from the arriving of the first container to the launch today had been overcome. House renting, products warehousing, furniture assembling and launch ceremony preparation had been finished in a very short time.

No pain, no gain. The success of the launch ceremony proved that it was worth to pay their effort and painstaking. The staff of DRC Branch would grow together with World and contribute all their energy to the resplendence of World.