1st Lecturer Award Presentation Campaign of DRC Branch
2008-01-31 20:00:00

The 1st Lecturer Award Presentation Campaign was held by Green World Democratic Republic of Congo on January 26, 2008.

Six distributors were selected from more than twenty applicants to give trial lectures on the aspects of products and business plan. All five-star distributors and some of the non-top distributors were invited to score on the spot.

With the heated atmosphere signaling the start of the campaign, Mr. Du Fugang, Manager of the branch firstly delivered a speech, in which the company's recognition to the education and training was expressed. In addition, the persons' active participation was confirmed.

Mr. Du Fugang, Manager of the branch delivered a speech

Each person explained the products and business plan of the company with great elan after particular and full preparation. Enthusiasm had been being maintained among either the lecturers or the audience during the whole campaign. Especially the questioners between whiles caused more heat echo.

A lecturer was giving a presentation (A)

A lecturer was giving a presentation (B)

What was worth to mention was that, invited by DRC branch, Mr. TUCHOUMI CELESTIN from Cameroon, who was a five-star distributor also gave a wonderful lecture and communicated training experience with lecturers in DRC. All the people were greatly impressed by the international image of Green World.

A five-star distributor from Cameroon gave a short training to the participated persons

Listening to the lecturer carefully

At the end of the campaign, Mr. Du Fugang, Manager of the branch highly praised all the lecturers and presented Lecturer Certificate to them. At the same time, he gave a detail explanation for the plan of the branch in 2008, which made the distributors have a general grasp of the development trend in the next year.

Manager Du posing a photo with the lecturers

At last, all staff of the branch posed a group photo with all the lecturers and five-star distributors. The busy and wonderful day was ended perfectly.

Staff of the branch posing a group photo with the distributors