2008 Car Awarding Ceremony of World Indonesia
2008-05-03 20:00:00
2008 Car Awarding Ceremony of World Indonesia convened on May 20, 2008, which meant a new landmark of World Group had been set up.
At the ceremony, inspiring speeches by Dr. Deming Li, President of World Group, Mr. Halami, Chairman of Indonesia Direct Selling Association, Mr. Bohan, delegate of Indonesia National Industry and Commerce Ministry and leaders of World Indonesia were delivered respectively.

Then, ¡¡ãInternational Tour Award¡¡À, ¡¡ãBeijing Olympic Tour Award¡¡À and ¡¡ãCar Award¡¡À were presented by Dr. Deming Li, President of the group, Mr. Qian Zhongke, GM of World Indonesia and Madam Etti, deputy GM of World Indonesia. The distributors who gained the awards expressed that they would work harder to make the business more prosperous. The most exciting moment came when the list of ¡¡ãCar Award¡¡À winners was announced. All the reporters and distributors gathered below the stage to show their admiration and aspiration. Their passion and dream was lighted by the BMW Car. 6 excellent distributors gained the grand award. Meanwhile, the distributors who won the ¡¡ãInternational Tour Award¡¡À would leave for China to realize the journey.

In the following trial drive ritual in the square out of the hall, the cheering applause flooded the site. The winners took pictures with President Li respectively. The harmonious spectacle became a pretty landscape in the square.
At the end of the awarding ceremony, the audiences were reluctant to leave. They had a faith that as long as trusting World and insisting ¡¡ãcreating a green health for all on the basis of integrity¡¡À, the wealth would never keep away from them. The business of World must be more prosperous.