Comprehensive Training in Durban
2010-09-29 20:00:00

A comprehensive training session was launched on 16th of August in Durban, presenting the collaboration of Green World Durban management and Training Department of Africa Region. The training room of Durban branch was occupied with enthusiastic distributors from Durban, Freetown, Pinetown as well as Pietermaritzburg.

Manager of Durban Branch, Connie Kang emphasized the importance of training in network marketing. ¡°Without product training there is no stable sales, without compensation plan training there is no explosive growth, without sharing testimonies there is no convincibility of the product, without briefing the current development of the company there is no updating of the company achievement, without motivation there is no sustainability of the business.¡±

Distributors listening attentively in training room of Durban branch

Rainie Wang conducting the training session

Sixteen Green World Health Packages were elaborated during the first phase of training. Thereafter business know-how, skills and tips were offered to those whom are determined to excel their performance in network marketing. ¡°The training has corrected some of my previous perspectives,¡± commented top leaders.

Certain essential concepts were exchanged between the trainer and the audience such as, ¡®Recruiting is a process of screening¡¯, ¡®To identify the needs of the new prospects is more important than presenting itself¡¯, and so on.

The trainer was inspired by the interactions from the distributors, among which four achieved satisfying performance at the after training exam.

Distributors answering the examination sheet

The best performers during the training session

The best performers during the training session were rewarded, among which one is a freshly recruited one-star consultant came all the way from Pietermaritzburg.

Eight days training was soon over with the anticipation of further arrangement by the management. ¡°We hope the company can arrange more training sessions like this.¡±

Series of events and training sessions will be organized with joint forces of the branch office, regional training department, together with top leaders of Green World all over South Africa.