Special Training to Welcome Nigerian Distributors
2010-09-29 20:00:00
The special training session dated on 9th September 2010 kicked off the chain activities in South Africa as the free trip reward to Nigerian distributors.
By 10:00am Nigerian delegates were warmly welcomed by a team of executives and top distributors led by Vice President Mr. David Zhang. The training room of Green World South Africa Branch gathered distributors from western, eastern and southern African countries.

Executives and top distributors welcoming Nigerian delegates at the entrance of Johannesburg office

Nigerian distributors studying the itinerary and training program

 Vice President Mr. David Zhang briefed the rapid growth of Green World Africa Region to the audience. He set a vision of the company in terms of an explosive growth of near future, which inspired the distributors from all over Africa.

Vice President Mr. David Zhang delivering welcome speech

 General Manager of Green World Eastern African Region, Mr. Jackson Wang ended his opening speech with a motivational presentation of a formula toward success. ¡¡ãA balance of taking actions with planning leads to ultimate success of achieving personal potenti Green World training structure was briefed and two demo presentations of Green World Care Package were conducted during the afternoon training session. Rainie Wang, Director of Training Department of Africa Region presented How to Evaluate A MLM Marketing Company, which rectified common confusion in network marketing business in terms of pricing, compensation plan and branch distribution. Ms. Thembi on behalf of all top leaders of South Africa encouraged Nigerian distributors to achieve professionalism in this industry and never give up facing obstacles. To survive means to thrive in network marketing. Mr. Daniel Mungai, a well-known lecturer and trainer from Kenya brought the training into its zenith. ¡¡ãIf you are willing to scarify your old habits that hinder your success and dare to explore new territory of life, you can make your dream come true¡¡À, said Daniel. He also offered tips of how to deal with objections and back-stabs in his unique humorous manner.

Nigerian distributors were presented certificate of participation of the training session by Ms. Thembi, who advocated better performance out of African distributors to explore a new market of Green World ¡§C Russia.

Ms. Thembi presenting certificate to Nigerian distributors

Group picture of Nigerian distributors