East London Rally
2010-09-29 20:00:00
On the 3rd of September a professional training was conducted by Training Department of Africa Region in alignment with Green World East London Distribution Center, as the prelude of the rally dated on 4th of September.
Distributors in East London are well trained by their beloved ¡¡ãmama¡¡À Ms. Violet Golodo in terms of product knowledge. The training by the company renovated their concepts of business in network marketing. They welcomed the idea that an achievable monthly sales target for individual distributor is the key to sustainable monthly income.
With updated ideas of how to nurture a sustainable network business distributors have gained profound understanding of empowerment of people in network industry. Making sales is not all about being a network marketer, though it constitutes an essential part of network marketing.

Distributors enjoying the training session

The key players of East London team booked the future training aiming at accomplishing integrity and professionalism of their Green World business.
The rally on 4th highlighted the whole event and turned the City Hall, solemn landmark building of East London, into an ocean of jubilee. 4

Distributors in their occasion attire
This rally brings together distributors and leaders from all over Eastern Cape. Ms. Thembi Ngidi, top leader of Green World gave an inspiring motivation to the participants. She instructed all her team members to be determined to change their life through Green World business opportunity. Tips of building up self-confidence and action plans to take care of downline organizations were presented by Thembi to develop the people who are courageous enough to establish their own business in Green World. The rewarding to the best performers pushed the rally to its climax. Green World T-shirt and caps were flying in the hands of excited distributors. Green World Acupuncture Heating Pads were rewarded to the top three performers of East London. Ms. Thembi rewarded her key leaders with DVD players, cell phones and massage mattress. Mr. and Mrs. Golodo, owners of East London Distribution Center, together with the key leaders in their team were greatly inspired and motivated. By joining forces with the company they are determined to take Green World business into a higher level.

Distributors dancing with Green World T-shirts and caps in their hands.

Distributors rewarded with DVD players by Ms. Thembi

Distributors rewarded with cell phones by Ms. Thembi

East London distributors welcoming Ms. Thembi to deliver motivational speech in their passionate manner

New products samples welcomed and enjoyed by distributors