Bussiness Opportunity Meeting, Health Seminar and Star Training at Palu Town of Indonesia.
2014-06-10 20:00:00

Bussiness Opportunity Meeting, Health Seminar and Star Training was held at Palu Town on May 10¨CMay 11, 2014, lasting 2 days. On the first day, Bussiness Opportunity Meeting and Health Seminar was held and Star Training was held on the second day.

Members of Green World at Palu Town make one group said as Komunitas Distributor Dunia Hijau Palu (KDDHP) or Distributor Green World Palu Community.

On  May 10, 2014 (Saturday), they held Health Seminar with the theme ¡° Danger of Stroke at the young Age ¡° and open for the society. This Seminar also invited 2 speakers : H.Y. Nando Repadjori ( one of the famous doctors at Palu ) and Junai MP. Pardede ( Corporate Trainer from Green World Group Indonesia). Choosing this theme is in order to help all human beings know about how important for all of us to keep healthy.

This seminar is welcomed enthusiastically by the public and participants and also covered by local print media called RADAR SULTENG. (Palu Town Newspaper) and local Electronic Media named Radar Television (RTV), which greatly improved the popularity of Green World in the society.

The group photo at Radar Sulteng (Palu Town Newspaper) after seminar with KDDHP group

Group Photo after Seminar

Then on 11 May 2014 £¨Sunday£©, the Star Training was held. The training lasted for 8 hours and was just can be attended by members who had already reached star 1. This meeting especially trained members about why human beings must take supplements in their lives, about marketing plan of Green World, about how to sell products and recruit new members. After the training, all of the members got the certificate of completion.

Group photo after Star Training