Green World Group 30th Anniversary Celebration Grandly Held in the USA to Start a New Era of Booming Development
2024-07-22 17:16:22
USA, July 20th – At precisely 9:30 A.M. local time, Green World Group 30th Anniversary Celebration, attracting global attention, officially began in the solemn atmosphere. With the thunderous applause, Dr. Deming Li, President of Green World Group, led the top executive team into the hall, with each step resonating with the firm and resolute strides of the Green World’s 30 years of remarkable achievements.

A ship laden with a thousand tons is steered by one person. Dr. Deming Li expressed heartfelt gratitude to all attendees and nostalgically reviewed the Group’s trials and hardships and remarkable accomplishments since its establishment in her opening speech, setting an emotional overture for the event. Her words, filled with endless hopes and expectations for the future, inspired everyone present to witness and participate in the next glorious 30 years of Green World Group’s journey.


Subsequently, Ms. Jenna Li, General Manager of Nanjing (Lishui) Biotechnological Co., Ltd., delivered a speech that conveyed deep affection and unwavering faith in the Group, showing the wisdom and charm of female leadership. Then, Mr. David L. Zhang, President of Green World African Region, Mr. Peter Li, President of Green World Latin American Region, and Mr. Yanguo Chen, President of Green World Eurasian Region, successively made speeches. They expressed their recognition and gratitude to the team, especially highly praised the outstanding distributors who have been tirelessly working on the front lines and contributing significantly to Green World Group’s current success.
Ms. Jenna Li, General Manager of Nanjing (Lishui) Biotechnological Co., Ltd., delivered a speech.

Mr. David L. Zhang, Vice President of Green World Group and President of Green World African Region, delivered a speech.

Mr. Peter Li, Vice President of Green World Group and President of Green World Latin American Region, delivered a speech.

Mr. Yanguo Chen, Vice President of Green World Group and President of Green World Eurasian Region, delivered a speech.
In a series of exciting award ceremonies, top executives personally presented tour awards to outstanding distributors, affirming their hard work and fulfilling Green World Group’s commitment to every member. Outstanding representatives from Latin American Region, Eurasian Region, and African Region respectively made addresses, with their words filled with gratitude for the platform provided by Green World Group, which helped them achieve extraordinary success in their respective fields. 


Ms. Norka Zenteno, representative from Green World Bolivia Branch of Latin American Region, delivered a speech.

Ms. Liliana Rincon, representative from Green World Colombia Branch of Latin American Region, delivered a speech.

Mr. Helios Teixido, representative from Green World Latin American Region, delivered a speech.

Ms. Nironence Moyo, representative from Green World African Region, delivered a speech.

During the climax of the celebration, Dr. Deming Li personally awarded Mr. Tendai the Green World Ambassador Award. This honor was not only the recognition for his personal contributions, but also the great trust and responsibility within Green World Group’s globalization strategy. Dr. Deming Li’s speech reignited the enthusiasm of the audience, pushing the celebration to a new peak.


Finally, under Dr. Deming Li’s leadership, all attendees participated in the cake cutting ceremony. This historic moment not only symbolized the significant achievements of Green World Group over the past 30 years, but also heralded that Green World Group will stride forward with high spirits and unwavering determination together with global partners in the future!