Green World Group 30th Anniversary Celebration: Outstanding Distributors Visiting USA Headquarters
2024-07-23 15:33:29
USA, July 21st – Green World Group invited outstanding distributor representatives to visit the USA headquarters, enabling them to witness the Group’s illustrious history and experience innovative products, which enhanced mutual communication and cooperation.
At the USA headquarters, the outstanding distributors paused at the development history exhibition area, carefully savoring each precious historical photo and milestone event. It was as if they were traveling through time, personally experiencing Green World Group’s development journey. Many were so moved by the experience that they eagerly took photos to commemorate this unforgettable visit.
At the Blue Berry Bang Bang bar, the representatives watched the preparation process of Blue Berry Bang Bang boba tea and couldn’t wait to taste this popular drink that received unanimous praise from the representatives for its unique taste and high-quality ingredients. The distributors expressed high expectations for the future development of the Blue Berry Bang Bang brand and engaged in detailed discussions about its implementation.

Additionally, the Group prepared delicious pastries and cakes on-site, fostering acquaintance and familiarity among the participants. The atmosphere was lively and filled with laughter, showing the strong team spirit and collaborative environment.

Moreover, the distributors enjoyed red wine and brandy that were specially made to celebrate the Green World Group 30th anniversary. Each bottle embodied Green World Group’s relentless pursuit of quality and bright aspirations for the future. During this warm moment of toasting, everyone not only offered their heartfelt congratulations on Green World Group 30th anniversary, but also expressed their great expectations for future cooperation.

The successful holding of Green World Group 30th anniversary celebration not only showed the Group’s remarkable achievements over the past thirty years but also served as a mobilization and inspiration for future development. Through this activity, Green World Group once again demonstrated its leading position in the global nutrition and health industry and its determination to create a brighter future with global partners.

Green World Group remains committed to the concepts of innovation and excellence, and will continue to advance hand in hand with global partners to write more brilliant chapters together.