On January 21, 2025, as the Lunar New Year approached, Prof. Deming Li, President of Green World International Group, led a delegation to Baima Town, Lishui District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, for a heartwarming outreach activity. The visit aimed to extend care and support to local families in need.
Accompanying team included Ms. Qiaoying Liu, Executive Deputy Manager of Green World International Group in Nanjing, Mr. Shaobo Liu, Sales Director of Green World China Region, and several senior distributors of Green World China Region. Their participation highlighted the Group's strong sense of corporate social responsibility and its commitment to supporting poor groups in society. The delegation was also joined by Weiwei Zhou, Vice Town Mayor of Baima Town and Zhibin Tang, Deputy Director of the Enterprise Service Division, whose involvement provided invaluable support for the event. Together with Green World International Group, they visited the homes of struggling families, learning about their needs and discussing ways to improve living conditions of these families.
Through this activity, Green World International Group management and distributor representatives delivered warmth and care to disadvantaged families while gained a deep understanding of their living conditions and challenges. The delegation engaged in heartfelt conversations with family members, listened to their stories, and learned about their specific needs in order to provide timely and targeted assistance when necessary.
In the future, Green World International Group will be committed to organizing similar activities to ensure ongoing care and support for families in need, helping them overcome poverty and improve their quality of life. These efforts not only underscore the Group's commitment to corporate social responsibility but also demonstrate its dedication to fostering social harmony and progress.